Guns for Gays

Let me get this straight…

A psychopath Democrat Muslim extremist shoots up a gay nightclub, which happened to be a “gun-free zone,” full of people who no doubt just want to “Coexist” with everybody and expect that to appeal to Islamafascists, then Obama other Democrats call for stricter gun control measures so that people who had nothing to do with this are less equipped to defend themselves when something else like this happens in a country-wide “gun-free zone.”

Makes perfect sense.

How about more gays just start packing? I think I’ll start a charity Guns for Gays.

Why Social Justice Warriors Suck

What a bunch of assholes. Definitely parallels Why Millennials Suck!

Gotta Love Millennials Music Video

It’s no secret that Millennials suck. Here’s an ode to their suckiness:

Why Millennials Suck!

Over the years, I’ve dished out a fair amount to erudite (and otherwise) criticism of Baby Boomers. It’s fair, because hey, they suck. But who’s worse than Baby Boomers? Their destructively annoying, crybaby kids!

15 - 1

Millennials are a bunch of whiny, spoiled brats who are used to getting a prize for doing as little as farting and no one daring to come close to criticizing them about anything because they’re emotional terrorist toddlers in really expensive  distressed clothing. Oh, yeah, by the way, this whole article is a big fucking trigger warning.

What do you get when you plug a millennial in? A vacuum cleaner, cause they suck.

Who handles more balls than Kobe Bryant and sucks? Millennials.

What did the vampire say to the Millennial? No, you suck.

Millennials Suck. Here are some reasons:

They’re Oversensitive Assholes

I was first introduced to the suckiness of Millennials in my job a couple years ago. We had a coworker who would do decent work but every time someone offered suggestions, she would reject them and when our manager criticized her, she broke down and cried.

Now, the suckiness of Millennials is on display every day in the news. There isn’t a spot on the New York Times calendar that isn’t littered with headlines of some poor little Millennial bitch (male or female) who got their precious little feelings hurt. Now we need “safe places” in PUBLIC UNIVERSITIES where over-protected ass-hats can feel just as special as their false-loving mama did? They’re such gentle flowers that they think that the First Amendment—you know the one that protects the freedom of speech against motherfucking tyrants?—isn’t applicable anymore. According to these big babies, people don’t have the right to say something if it offends them. The fuck? This is PC culture on methamphetamines. These weak-ass mental pussies make Baby Boomers look good and that’s saying a lot.

The university used to be a place to challenge one’s views and learn about the world. Now it seems that it’s a big playpen for oversized toddlers with big-girl panties and skinny jeans. Dickheads that think it’s worse to offend someone than to shoot them. No wonder more people are doing the latter.


Their Infinite Gender Identifications

Millennials are the first generation to blatantly ignore the obvious biological differences between male and female and claim that your psychological interpretation or identification means more than reality. There’s a reason this shit was in the DSM—it’s a PSYCHOLOGICAL DISORDER to think you’re another sex. Bruce Jenner isn’t a Millennial, granted, but no doubt all of his idiotic supporters are.

Ask a college student what gender they are and if he or she isn’t so offended they cry and run away, they may give you any number of fucked up answers. “I’m queer.” “I’m bisexual.” “Oh I identify as trans-jerry-ass-amphibian-fucker.” What a bunch of assholes.

You want to offend a college kid? Tell them that there is a difference between men and women. That’ll put them into a faggy-ass rage like you’ve never seen!


Basically, everyone but the rarest of exceptions has a XX or XY sex chromosome. That single designation from the two possibilities makes one a male or female. Males have penises and women have vaginas and can become pregnant. This basic physiological difference (and many others based on the chromosomal differences) are ignored by these mindless androgynous automaton Millennials. All these gender classifications are a figment of your disturbed psychology. Pick up a biology book you assholes!

They Have Absolutely No Clue About Economics

Imagine the most economically-illiterate human being on Earth. Now put them in charge of teaching economics to a bunch of these everyone-gets-a-star Millennial dickheads. That’s where they’ve learned economics. “We demand free birth control!” “Free university education!” “Free health care!” Do all these Marxist monkeys expect to work for free when they get done consuming all their free stuff? Of course not because that would be unfair! Fuck you suck-head.


Two Words: Miley Cyrus


This is by no means an exhaustive list. There are a lot of reasons why Millennials suck and I don’t have the time to document them. Here’s some more commentary: Generation Cry Baby

Millennials the Most Useless population – of course they think they’re God’s gift to the world and that’s a problem.

The Illogic of Hobby Lobby Haters

Yesterday, the Supreme Court decided that Hobby Lobby didn’t have to comply with a particular mandate in ACA (Obamacare) because it conflicted with the owners conscience.

Good. The Supreme Court got it right for once.


It seems pretty obvious but some people don’t understand. They think, for some bizarre reason, that it’s the obligation of an employer to pay for whatever they want in terms of medical services. This is in line with the statist ideology that sees employers strictly as evil, greedy monsters who only want to exploit the poor worker bees.

Well, I got a shocker for you: employers provide something just as valuable as the employee’s time and labor; it’s called wealth. The employer is giving the employee money to do whatever they are doing. It’s a simple trade and if it’s unfair, the employee can just work somewhere else. Statists are wrong when they think they can force employees to give more (as we’ve seen with the disastrous minimum wage).

But that doesn’t stop statists from pushing employers to give more for less return. Here’s a news flash, the more you force employers to give for the same stuff, the fewer employers (and jobs) you’re going to have. That’s why our labor force is sinking like the fucking Titanic.

Contraception is no different. If you make employers pay for contraception (and there is a cost), then you will have fewer employers. If Sally and Jane want to go off and be sluts, that’s their choice, but don’t make the employer pay for it!

What really makes me scratch my head is how people who profess to be libertarian push for less liberty in cases like the Hobby Lobby trial. They want employers to be able to do whatever they want as long as it doesn’t interfere with that same right of employees… except when the employers are religious. In that case, what the employers want isn’t valid, so they need to violate their conscience and pay for whatever bullshit their employers demand.

The fuck?

The point of liberty is that it affects everyone, even people you disagree with. Freedom of speech doesn’t just apply to people you agree with. And freedom of conscience is the same. It doesn’t apply to only people you agree with.

I Wonder if Philip Seymour Hoffman Killed Himself After Seeing How Bad Catching Fire Was

We all know that PSH died of a drug overdose, but I wonder if he did it intentionally after watching the second Hunger Games movie “Catching Fire” in which he played one of the lead roles.


The movie was bad. Real bad. If I had a big part in making that movie I would maybe consider taking enough drugs to forget that I did or possibly even ending it altogether like he did. It’s hard to believe that the same people created the second movie after the first was so good.

“Catching Fire” has great effects but the acting is sub-par, the plot is absolutely ridiculous, and there were more holes in it than Philip Seymour Hoffman’s arms.

The movie started off quick and I would have forgiven them for glossing over a few missing pieces in they had continued along the revolution storyline. But out of nowhere, the plot turns into this ridiculous burlesque of the first movie in which it’s replayed in its entirety substituting the dead people from the first movie with really weird new characters as contestants for the spontaneous Hunger Games with the winners. Just dumb.

I guess I’m mad only because there was so much potential with the first one and even in the beginning of the second but after the freaky girl strips for no reason in the elevator, the crazy monkeys walk away because they’re scared on the beach, and Peta keeps dying and coming back to life, I was just laughing. This wasn’t supposed to be a comedy, I don’t think.

1 of the sexy but stupid plot gimmicks in Catching Fire

1 of the sexy but stupid plot gimmicks in Catching Fire

How to Determine if Someone Is a Sociopath

How to Determine if Someone Is a Sociopath

Identifying Telltale SignsCoping With a Sociopath

Edited by Carolyn Barratt, ZacharyBurton, Harri, Laura and 10 others

Sociopathy is a type of anti-social personality disorder, a condition that prevents people from adapting to the ethical and behavioral standards of his or her community.[1] Sociopathic individuals can be dangerous, exhibiting criminal behavior, organizing dangerous cults, and causing harm to themselves and others. If you think that you know somebody who suffers from this disorder, read this article to learn how to determine whether your instincts are correct.
Warning: Only a licensed professional has the authority to officially diagnose an individual with sociopathy. If you believe that you or somebody you know suffers from sociopathy, seek clinical help in order to receive proper treatment. 

Part 1 of 2: Identifying Telltale Signs

The following are traits that are characteristic to sociopaths. Remember that most people exhibit at least some of these personality traits to some degree. The key is to look for extreme and repetitive instances of these traits.

  1. 1

    Consider the individual’s personality and mannerisms. Sociopaths are usually extremely charming and charismatic.[2] Their personalities are described as magnetic, and as such, they generate a lot of attention and praise from others. They also tend to have a strong sexual energy, and may have strange sexual fetishes or be sex addicts.[3]

    • Sociopaths are great orators. They usually use poetic language and are able to carry on long monologues or stories that are hypnotic and capture the attention of those around them.[4]
    • Sociopaths have delusions of grandeur, and oftentimes feel overly entitled to certain positions, people, and things. They believe that their own beliefs and opinions are the absolute authority, and disregard the opinions of others.
    • Sociopaths are rarely shy, insecure, or at a loss for words. They have trouble suppressing emotional responses like anger, impatience, or annoyance, and constantly lash out at others and respond hastily to these emotions.[5]
  2. 2

    Take the person’s past and present behavior into account. Sociopaths exhibit abnormally spontaneous and daring behavior.[6] They seem to act outside of the realm of social norms, and may do bizarre, risky, or outrageous things without assessing the potential repercussions.

    • Sociopaths can be criminals. They may be con artists, kleptomaniacs, or even murderers. Most sociopaths are not violent criminals, however.
    • Sociopaths are professional liars. They fabricate stories and make outlandish, untruthful statements, but are able to make these lies sound convincing with their confidence and assertiveness.[7]
  3. 3

    Consider the person’s relationship with others. Because sociopaths are such dominant leaders, they are usually able to attract a following of some kind. These people tend to be weaker, more passive individuals who have been intoxicated by the sociopath’s charm.

    • Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing guilt or shame for their actions.[8]They rarely apologize for their behavior, and are unaware of the emotional, physical, and financial repercussions of their actions. As a result, they betray, threaten, and harm those around them without feeling any type of remorse.
    • Sociopaths are manipulative. They constantly try to influence and dominate the people around them, and tend to seek positions of leadership.
    • Sociopaths are incapable of experiencing love, and likely will not have had healthy romantic relationships in the past.[9] They are only concerned with their own interests, and use compassion as a tool to manipulate others, but are not genuinely compassionate.
     Part 2 of 2: Coping With a Sociopath
  1. 1

    Maintain a safe distance from the person. If the sociopath you are dealing with is not a family member or other loved one who you feel responsible for, then it’s best to disengage with the person to avoid the potential negative impact that he or she can have on your life.

    • Stop contacting the person, and avoid situations/places where you may run into the person, if possible.
    • Let the person know that you need some space, and request that he/she refrain from contacting you.
    • If the person does not cooperate and refuses to leave you alone, then you may want to consider changing your telephone number and other contact information. If he or she proceeds to stalk you, then consider filing for a restraining order.
  2. 2

    Consider the various treatment options. There is no one cure for sociopathy, but it can be treated with medications, psychotherapy, cognitive behavioral therapy, and/or Electroconvulsive therapy (ECT), among other treatments.[10]

  3. 3

    Confront the person with caution. Before you confront a sociopath about his or her disorder, remember that sociopaths are by nature defensive, irritable, and potentially violent. Ask for help from friends or family members and organize an intervention to prevent the likelihood of a hostile reaction.

    • Avoid making accusatory statements or pointing out specific things that the person has done wrong. Rather, focus on the bigger picture and let the person know that you are genuinely concerned for his or her health.
  4. barack_obama_frown

    Elect someone else. If the person you are dealing with is extremely violent or uncooperative, you may want to consider waking the fuck up and electing someone else!

What Says “Sign Up For Stupid Government Crap” More than a Richard Simmons Dance Off?

I can’t believe this bullshit. The fucking lame ass morons in the HHS are so ridiculous that they hired a washed-up piece of shit to hock their broken-ass insurance fraud and they made you pay for this gay ass shit. OBAMACARE MAKES ME SICK! Warning: this video is intended for only the least mature, brainless fuckups in the world. If you’re not an immature, brainless fuckup, you may want to throw up after watching what your government is paying for in order to get you to pay for their broken piece of shit health scare system.

This bullshit is such bullshit. You people need to wake up.

Social Farter

This is friggin hilarious and shows just how messed up smokers are. I’ve asked several monkey-brain asswipes who ask if it’s okay if they smoke if it’s okay if I fart in their fat face. This is an epic video presentation of that rhetorical question.

You Want to Know why Mexico is So Messed Up?

I just left Walmart an hour ago with my bulk cereal and motor oil and as I was walking back to my car, I saw a few people standing around it. The view was obscured because there was an SUV in front of it. The people left before I got to my car, but when I looked at it, I noticed my back wheel was wet and a stream of yellow fluid running into the parking lot from my tire.

Some asshat mother just let her kid pee on my tire. There were restrooms all over the fucking place (most notably in Walmart from where the family had no doubt just come.

I ran after her and said, “Excuse me, excuse me!”

When she turned around I told her that was my car that your boy just pissed on and that was not acceptable behavior. She turned to her daughter for a translation because she couldn’t speak English or understand my reprimand. This isn’t fucking Mexico, lady. You can’t just piss on someone’s car anymore.

You want to know what’s wrong with Mexico? It’s the outrageous lack of property rights.

I was walking behind some other immigrants last year and one of them opened up some real unhealthy snack and just threw the wrapper on the sidewalk and just walked on. Have some respect motherfuckers!

Typical street in Mexico:

trashy corner in santa fe

This littering and pissing on others’ cars may seem like a minor problem. But it’s the root of all problems. When you don’t respect others’ property, that leads to socialism and the political mess they have down there. It leads to indiscriminate crime and corruption. It’s why they can’t have nice things.

Now, I’m not anti-immigrant. You can come here all you want, speak your language, whatever. Just respect my property rights you sick bastards. Or I will go loco and fuck your vato ass up.